Artistic Control of Design, Promotion & Sales

Artistic Control of Design, Promotion & Sales

Dear Art Entrepreneur,

Have you ever received a redesign or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) email from a web designer asking if you want your website redesigned or optimized for google search? I receive two – three a week, and I would suggest putting these in your spam folder and promptly ignore.

Example email sent by an SEO & Design sales person: 

Hi there,

I’d like to offer my assistance to help you with your website.  Is there something you would like to change, repair, or redesign on your site? I’m a web designer that can do just about anything that you can imagine for your site and that is why I am reaching out to you. Or, if you’re looking for a complete overhaul, I can help you in building a brand new website complete with all the features that you’ll need to make your website a better reflection of the quality of your company. If this is something that you’re interested in, I’d like to speak with you so I can tell you about some ideas I have of what I can do to make your site great. I’ll let you know what the cost would be by then as well. Please let me know the best number to reach you on and I’ll give you a call right away.

Thank you!
Mr or Mrs so and So – Web Developer

The reasons I would ignore:

1) None have a professional email address.
2) None ironically have their own websites.
3) None show their portfolio of work.


I wrote, composed, photographed and promoted my own hardcover art catalog in 2019. If you are willing to get your feet wet, why would you pay for a designer or SEO optimization with no examples?

My email reply is as follows:

May offer offer a few words of advice?

I would suggest that you not use a gmail account, but instead use an email account under your own web address. Also in your emails you might want to include a link to your personal website. That website should include a portfolio illustrating your design and SEO work. Otherwise people receiving the kind of email you just sent me may not take you seriously. I get emails like yours all the time. Two to three a week, 1) none of them have personal email addresses, 2) none of them have their own websites, and 3) none show their portfolio of work.  If you want to stand out, you have to do what others won’t, or can’t.

Scott Hutchison

I realize the irony of suggesting that you delete emails trying to sell you SEO or web design services, while I choose to reply. But, I see it as a teaching moment!

I have been in the art business for a while and designed websites on the side as well. (This website was designed by me a few years ago) I realize my website isn’t perfect. BUT I did it and have learned a lot about what it takes to make a great site.

What I have also learned as an entrepreneur is that you have to stand out. Like in the original email to the website spammer I pointed out that everyone in his business is doing the same thing as he. If he wants to get business he has to:

“… do what others won’t, or can’t”.

If you want to be successful in whatever you do, go the extra mile.

Web Design by Scott Hutchison
Build your own website.

If it’s customer service, then learn about your customer. If it’s carpentry, don’t cut corners. Your customers will know if you do an average job. If you mop floors or take out the trash, do it with pride and be thorough. If you are an artist, fully devote your time to your craft and stand up for your artistic principals.

What do I do, that other artists may not? I’m an entrepreneur, I represent myself. I used to fret over getting a gallery to sell my work. But I can’t sit and wait for something that may or may not happen. So I took a huge step towards self promotion and exclusive control of my artwork, sales, shipping and client relations.

Scott Hutchison designing his website
Editing my online sales catalog and website. 
I control the content, prices, shipping and sales of all my work

I spend a lot of time self promoting and working on my art business. It is almost as important as the creative element of my craft. It’s a lot of work, but worth the freedom and satisfaction that comes with it. So get out there!

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