SuperFine DC 2019

SuperFine DC 2019

Scott Hutchison at his booth during Superfine DC 2019
Scott Hutchison at Superfine in Washington DC – 2019

Here I am at Superfine DC in 2019. I attended both Superfine DC in 2018 and 2019 and found the art fair experience to be so rewarding. It was a chance to directly engage with the local art scene in the Washington DC area and to get a better grasp on what is required to represent yourself. Both years were so uplifting and energizing.

Did I Sell?

Sales help of course, and I made a profit both years.  But the cost of showing at a fair is an investment and as such, a monetary risk. I knew this beforehand and weighed the risks of not not selling anything vs the opportunity it would give me to network and share my artwork and make local connections.

Little did I know that Superfine DC would also re-fuel the creative spirit in me as well.

As far as the business side of attending an art fair, the Superfine experience left me with a better understanding of where I need to focus my efforts and I learned a lot about the fair culture. I’m no expert, but I also gained additional knowledge regarding self representation.

Do Your Research!

If you ever think about displaying your work at a fair, I highly recommend you do some research first. Some practical advice is to have a booth with various price points, and go into the process with a mindset that it’s both an education, a form of outreach and advertising. It’s an investment, and you have to be okay and willing to loose that initial booth or wall cost. Remember, an art career is a long game and one fair will not decide your future in it. 

Below is a video of me installing my artwork on the 6′ x 10′ wall at this years DC’s 2019 Superfine!

A list of what I needed to install everything.

Thank You!

A warm thank you to those able to make it out to the art fair @superfineartfair this year. I had a great time visiting with some old friends and making new ones. Also, for those of you that purchased something from my booth. A humble thanks as well for those able to support me in that way. It keeps my paint and brush drawer full and let’s me know that what I do is worthy of your time, your thoughts and your patronage. I get so much from all of you though! Thank you for stopping by and saying hi.

Scott Hutchison installing his wall at superfine DC in 2019

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